Thank You World Shop Castricum: Together We Support Women in the Amazon of Suriname!

Iniri would like to sincerely thank Wereldwinkel Castricum from the Netherlands( for their generous donation. Thanks to your support, women in southern Suriname, in the beautiful Amazon region can continue and improve their jewelry production.

This donation is invaluable to the community. The women there make unique, handmade jewelry that is an important source of income for their families. Thanks to your contribution, we can not only provide them with the necessary materials, but also offer training and workshops to further develop their skills.

Together we are working toward a sustainable future and a better quality of life for these talented artisan women. With your help, we can contribute to fair trade and economic empowerment of women in one of the most remote areas of Suriname.

Again, our sincere thanks for your generous support. Together we make a difference!


You can contact us via the channels below.

 +579 8836-646
 +579 8836-646

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