Demonstration of Traditional Jewelry Making at Cleviapark

On August 11, 2024, a special demonstration took place at Cleviapark in Suriname, where a group of Iniri women from the villages of Kwamalasamutu and Apetina gathered to share their craft. Under the radiant sun and surrounded by the park’s lush beauty, these women showcased how they skillfully and lovingly create beautiful jewelry from natural seeds they collect from the forest.

The demonstration attracted a diverse audience, from curious visitors to interested artists. The women showed how they transform the seeds into colorful and meaningful jewelry. Each piece they create tells a story – about nature, their culture, and their role as guardians of the Amazon rainforest.

As the seeds passed through their hands, the Iniri women spoke about the important role this craft plays in their community. It is not only a way to preserve their culture but also a means to achieve economic independence and protect their forests from destruction.

The day concluded with warm words of thanks to Cleviapark, which made this gathering possible. Their support and hospitality ensured that the Iniri women could share their message of sustainability and creativity with the world. The beautiful setting of the park provided the perfect backdrop for this celebration of culture and nature, and the bonds forged will endure for a long time.

With gratitude, we look back on this unforgettable day and thank Cleviapark for their wonderful support and the opportunity to create something beautiful together.


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